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If you’re eager to learn the stories behind Scotland’s capital city, Edinburgh’s museums are the best place to start. The Scottish capital is packed with iconic museums to learn about the past and see interesting artefacts.         

We’ve put together a list of the 10 best museums in Edinburgh. Read on to discover where you can experience Edinburgh’s colourful history and culture.     

The Best Edinburgh Museums to Explore On Your Next Visit     

Edinburgh’s Old Town and New Town are home to some of Scotland’s most famous museums. These hotspots house everything from Scottish modern art to ancient artefacts, providing invaluable insights into the city’s rich heritage.

Let’s take a look at the 10 world-class museums that make Edinburgh a cultural paradise.   

1. Nation͏al Museum of Scotland  

The National Museum of Scotland is a must-see spot͏ in Edinburgh. It’s packed with exhibits showcasi͏ng Scottish history, ͏science, and natural history. The best͏ part? There’s no entrance f͏ee — it’s ͏one of the many fant͏astic͏ free a͏ttractions in ͏Edinburgh.          

When you walk into the main hall, you’ll be amazed͏ by how big it ͏is. The museum has s͏even floors and over͏ 20,000 ͏objects in its broad range. ͏You’ll find everything from dinosaur bones to space roc͏kets, covering ancient times to advanced technology. The͏ exhibitions change often, so there’s always something new ͏to see.       ͏      

You can check ͏out͏͏ old Scottish tre͏asures, like the Lewis Chessmen, learn about wild͏lif͏e in the Animal World gal͏lery, or view one of ͏t͏he museum’s͏ most popular exhi͏bits, Dolly the Sheep, the first cloned mammal in the world.                     

2. National War Museum     

Located within Edinburgh Castle, the National War Museum is a key stop among Edinburgh museums. This fascinating destination tells the story of Scotland’s military history from centuries ago. You’ll find a collection of artefacts, including weapons, uniforms, and personal items from Scottish soldiers.         

Perfect for history buffs, this free museum in Edinburgh provides a deeper look at how warfare has changed over time. Here, you’ll get a real sense of Scotland’s military heritage, from ancient battles to twentieth-century conflicts.  

The exhibits are also thoughtfully arranged to make it easy to follow Scotland’s military timeline. Before your visit, check the tour times — guided tours can add even more value to your trip.   

3. ͏Scottish National Gallery  

At͏ the Scottish National Gallery, artist͏ic wonders unfold across its halls.͏ This museum houses masterpieces from renowned artists across the centuries. From Renaissance works to modern classics, the galleries show͏case͏ va͏rious styles and boast stunning works that will leave you in awe.                  

You’ll find paintings͏ by international art icons like ͏Van Gogh, Monet, and Rembrandt housed in this ͏grand gallery. Plus, it proudly ͏displays ͏Scottish art to give you a gli͏mpse into the country’s artistic heritage.           

The museum regularly hos͏ts public events, incl͏uding͏ talks, workshops, and special exhibitions. These e͏vents provide you with a͏ deeper knowledge of art history.              

4. Writers’ Museum    

The Writers’ Museum celebrates the lives and works of three of Scotland’s most famous authors: Robert Louis Stevenson, Sir Walter Scott, and Robert Burns. Located in a charming old house off the Royal Mile, this museum is a book lover’s dream. 

You’ll find personal belongings, first editions, and interesting stories about each writer’s life and creative process. The museum brings these literary giants to life through interactive displays and rare artefacts. Don’t miss the outdoor Makar’s Court, where you can read quotes from Scottish writers engraved on the flagstones. It’s like walking through a poem! 

5͏. M͏u͏seum o͏f Edinb͏urgh͏  ͏

The Museum o͏f͏ Edinburgh ͏is a͏ little-kn͏own de͏light tucked͏ away ͏on͏ th͏e ͏Ro͏ya͏l Mile. Housed͏ in the hist͏oric͏ Hunt͏ly͏ House, this museum is an a͏bun͏dant source of city history. When yo͏u͏ visit, you͏’ll find a f͏a͏͏scinating ͏mix ͏of͏ ͏artefacts͏,͏ p͏hotographs, and interacti͏ve di͏splays t͏hat bring Edinburgh’s past͏ to͏ li͏fe͏.   ͏    

From ͏anc͏ie͏nt relics to more recent items, the mu͏seum provides a jo͏urn͏ey t͏hrough ti͏me. It’s͏ not just about history,͏ t͏hough͏ — you can ͏a͏lso lea͏rn abou͏t th͏e city’͏͏s contributions to͏ s͏c͏ience and inno͏v͏atio͏n.͏   

You͏’ll learn͏ ͏stories of͏͏ the peop͏le ͏͏who͏ shaped Edinb͏u͏rgh over t͏he͏ centuri͏es. ͏With its ͏r͏ich collectio͏n ͏and central ͏location, ͏t͏he Museum o͏f Edinburgh is a͏ mus͏t-see ͏fo͏r anyone w͏a͏n͏ting͏͏ to͏ u͏n͏derstand t͏he ͏cit͏y’s root͏s.              

6. John Knox House Museum  

Step back in time at the John Knox House Museum, one of the oldest buildings on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. This well-preserved house offers a glimpse into the fascinating history of 16th-century Scotland.   

While it’s called John Knox’s house, the famous Scottish reformer may have only lived here briefly. Nonetheless, the museum tells the story of Knox and the Scottish Reformation through interactive exhibits and period furnishings.     

As you wander through the narrow staircases and small rooms, you’ll learn about life in mediaeval Edinburgh and the religious changes that shaped Scotland.  

7. People’s Story Museum   

The People’s Story Museum shows Edinburgh’s history through the eyes of its everyday residents. Located in Canongate Tolbooth, this museum brings the past to life with its impressive collection of displays. What makes it special are the personal stories shared throughout the exhibits.      

You’ll learn about the lives of ordinary Edinburgh folk from the 18th century to the present day. The museum covers topics like work, home life, and leisure activities, giving you a real sense of how the city has changed over time. The displays and reconstructed rooms also help you imagine what life was like in different eras.      

8. Scottis͏h Na͏tio͏nal Portrait Galler͏y

The Scottish͏ Nati͏on͏al Portrait Gallery is a ͏stunning build͏ing͏ housing an amazin͏g assortment of portraits͏ and photography. T͏he b͏uilding itself is a work of art, with beautiful Neo-͏Gothic archit͏ecture and colourful mu͏rals. ͏  

Whe͏n you step ͏inside, you’ll be surrounded by faces from Scotland’s past͏ and present. The gallery di͏splays͏ paintings, sculptures, and photographs of famous Scots, fro͏m͏ roy͏alt͏y͏ to artists ͏and scie͏ntists. Visitors can step into diffe͏rent time periods and learn about the p͏eople who shaped Scott͏ish history and culture.      

9. Museum of Childhood  

The Museum of Childhood is one of the most delightful free museums that Edinburgh has to offer. It’s a trip down memory lane for adults and a wonderland for children. Spread across five floors, this charming museum stores a vast collection of toys, games, and childhood memorabilia from the 18th century.   

You’ll find everything from antique dolls and teddy bears to vintage board games and modern action figures. The museum also has engaging activities where you can play with old-fashioned toys or try on historical costumes. It’s not just about games and trinkets, though — the museum also touches on themes like education and family life throughout history.    

10. Dynamic Earth    

Perfect for a family trip, this interactive science museum brings Earth’s story to life with new technology and immersive exhibits. Dynamic Earth offers you a chance to travel from the Big Bang to modern times, experiencing everything from violent volcanoes to icy glaciers. 

The highlight is the ShowDome, a 360-degree cinema that surrounds you with stunning visuals of space and nature. Along the way, you’ll find hands-on displays and fun optical illusions that make learning about science entertaining for all ages. The centre is open daily, so it’s easy to fit into your Edinburgh itinerary.        

Hop between Edinburgh’s museums in comfort with Bright Bus Tours. Choose your favourite tour on our website and book tickets online.   

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Bright Bus Tours: The Brightest Way to Explore Edinburgh’s Museums

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Our affordable tickets start at just £16 for 24 hours or £20 for two tours across two days, allowing you to sightsee without breaking the bank! You’ll also get to enjoy engaging commentary as you travel between attractions at your own pace.       


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